Managing Dental Anxiety

As much as we love seeing you and your smile, as dentists, we also understand that the feeling isn’t always mutual – but we don’t take it personally. Despite knowing you’re in good hands, dental anxiety can still find a way to creep in.

What are some things you can do or practice to limit the amount of stress you feel before your visit? We’ll break it all down below.


Going to the dentist is important, so ensuring you feel as comfortable as possible matters, too.  

  1. First things first, talk to your dentist. It’s important to maintain good communication with your dentist and letting them know you’re feeling anxiety will allow them to take extra precautions. They may also have a few tips or words of advice to help.

  2. Always make sure you establish a signal to stop them from doing work if you’re feeling any distress. Whether raising your hand or making a sound, having a known signal is important.

  3. Practicing deep breathing and meditation techniques can help you calm down and limit your anxieties. Focus your energy on something more positive, like meditation, and distract yourself from feeling worried.

  4. This brings us to the next tip: give yourself distractions and take your mind off things. You can try bringing earbuds to listen to music or any other device to help distract yourself from the appointment.

  5. Envision good things, and they will happen. Thinking happy thoughts and only focusing on the positive outcomes of your appointment can help make you more comfortable.


The fear that comes with attending your dental appointment may stem from something deeply rooted, whether it was a bad experience or horror stories told by friends or family. 
Finding out what has caused you to feel anxious about your appointment can help you overcome that fear.

Start by breaking down what will actually happen during your visit. This could mean talking it through with your dentist first and asking them what to expect during the procedure, so you understand. Hearing it from them and learning how simple and easy the procedure may be can help simplify things and make it a more comfortable experience.


A big player feeding into dental anxiety is hearing myths or misconceptions about the dentist. Here are a few you may have heard that we’re here to debunk:

  • Going to the dentist is always painful: Depending on the procedure, some discomfort may occur, but numbing agents and anesthesia work to limit or eliminate any significant level of pain.


  • Dentists enjoy or make a point of using the drill: Dentists will only use the drill when necessary.


  • One bad experience means more will come: Unpleasant experiences happen, but they’re not a regular occurrence. Once you’ve finished with your appointment and all goes well, use this as the new placeholder in your mind for how visits to the dentist will normally go.


At ThirtyTwo Dental, we make sure you’re as comfortable as possible during every step of any procedure. Take comfort in knowing you’ll be well looked after and feel calm when booking an appointment with us.  

Our team is always willing to discuss your procedure with you in advance, answer any questions, and address any fears or concerns you may have regarding your visit.  

If you have any questions or concerns or would like to schedule an appointment, contact us today. 

Book online, call, or email us for an appointment, anytime.